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Theme of studies on the theoretical and practical issues of
date:2020-04-08 09:14 hits:

Education of “studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building” is another important practice of carrying out party building studies following the party's mass line education and "three stricts and three steadies” education activities, is also the important measures for promoting inner-party education to expand from "minority" to masses of party members, from the concentrated education to the regular education, to be strict daily. For masses of party members, practice “studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building” at ordinary times is the best implementation for the education.

 We shall grasp the education of “studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building” at ordinary times. We shall make efforts to grasp the education of “studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building” at ordinary times, not only shall prevent "spending three days fishing and two days drying nets ", but also shall put an end to by fits and starts. Party members shall regard “studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building” as training ground for improving party spirit consciousness, firming political orientation, strengthening the objective and idea, make “studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building” a normal work, a conscious pursuit, and then become a behavior habit.

 The essence of grasping the education of “studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building” lies in carefulness. Grasping the education of “studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building”, the party member leading cadres shall adhere to setting examples for the subordinates, seriously and exactly carry out the education activities, must suit action to the word and set a good example; must confront directly when solving the problem, shall hard blow with zero tolerance when correcting "four wind", and shall strike fiercely and eliminate the roots when solving the non-rigorousness and untruthfulness; shall truthful promote the party work style construction, avoid “using barn to bar up the cat”.

 The root of grasping the education of studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building” lies in detail. Shall pay attention to details to conduct oneself, do a deed and serve as an official, shall start from minor matter. We shall implement the education of “studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building” at ordinary times, and emphasize the details of work and life, make the party constitution and rules, spirit of series speeches integrated into life, reflected in the work, and applied in the minor matter. Only paying attention to detail at ordinary times, can we grasp the right direction in major issues of principle.

Basis of grasping the education of “studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building” lies in learning and the key lies in doing, the root lies in servicing for the people, the power lies in real practice and solid work, the effort lies in persistence. Shall adhere to promoting the behavior through knowledge, to be a qualified party member, with political awareness, faith, rules, self-disciplined, noble character, good discipline and devotion, education of “studies on the theoretical and practical issues of party building” has no pause, it is always on the road.




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